Sunday, April 3, 2011

Our Week In Review...

Tuesday: So we were a little early to take Brooke to school so we were just driving around Mona in the Chevy. All the sudden my sweet little Callie pops open her window and starts barking at this poor sewer system worker guy! Sooo embarrassing! I had forgot about this until I picked Seth up in Nephi Friday after work. Brandon Nielson came to say hi and first thing he said was "Callie quit barking at people!"Haha.

Thursday: Thursday was so nice outside so the girls had been out playing all day. When Seth got home from work I went in to make dinner and he was out working in the shed. The girls were playing on the swing set. I'm just cooking away when all the sudden the phone rings. I answer and get "do you know where your girls are?" Oh ya the little buggers had gone thru the field to Paula's house. Little Runaways! So we got them back home and after dinner Seth took them back outside. I was feeding Bowdee when I hear Seth come in to shower. I hear him tell the girls that they can stay outside but they have to stay in the sand pile. So I finish feeding Bowdee cause ya right they are going to stay and go watch them out the window. They actually were good until Seth got out of the shower. He comes into the kitchen and is like "did they stay" he looks out just in time to see Brooke trying to let Ruger out. He yells for her not to let him out cause it's almost dark and he isn't the easiest to catch. He closes the door and Brooke goes back to playing. So little Callie walks over and lets Ruger out! All the sudden I see Ruger go running across the back lawn followed by Brooke then Callie. I grabbed my shoes and went out to get them. By the time I got out there the girls were clear up the street chasing Ruger! So we got the girls caught and Ruger put away and decide we need to put the girls to bed for the night. I take them in to tuck them in and their room is a mess. So I told them to clean it up and they wouldn't mind so I gave up and left. Seth went in and took care of it and put them to bed. A little while later I went in to kiss them goodnight. I tell Brooke goodnight and give her hug and kiss. Then I go to Callie. Well I give her a hug and she doesn't hug me back, which is weird. So I kiss her and her little chubby cheeks are all sticky! I'm like "what the heck are you eating?" I get up flip the light on and sweet little Callie pulls her hands slowly out of the covers and shows me. They are covered in chocolate! You can imagine messy little Callie. Ya they snuck a candy bar to bed with them. MONSTERS!!

Friday: So Friday Tiff came to tend for me so I could go back to work. Well my little Bowdee decided that he should get in on the action. Poor Tiff got peed on, spit on, and more than her share of poopy diapers. Haha. By the time I got home she had had enough and I don't think she could get out of here fast enough. Then I had to take Bowdee for his second RSV shot. He did really well just cried for a second. What was funny was Brooke. She was pretty much in tears too. Haha. While we were waiting for his shot Brooke was telling me about school. Shes like "I couldn't run very good at recess." I'm like "why?" She tells me because of her high heels. I never let her wear them to school and so the one day I'm at work she decided that she should. I told her that's why I don't let her wear them to school and she says "Well I know but I was just worried about my style!"

Saturday: Bowdee usually is up about every 3 hours to eat at night and then will go back to sleep. Well Saturday morning he didn't do quite that well. I had been up with him twice already so when he woke up at 3 Seth couldn't really sleep so he got up with him. Then about 4:30 he was up again. So I got up and took him to the living room and Callie was on the couch with the remote in her hand watching cartoons. I hadn't even said anything to her and shes like "dad said I could watch cartoons." When I asked Seth about it apparently him and Callie had watched a movie together then he went to bed. She never went back to sleep.

After all that we survived the week and can't imagine what's in store for the coming week!

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